Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ratoncito Miguel Was Here!

I was awakened this morning by a little hand waving 2 bills of 1K pesos (about $.50 each) and the biggest smile I have ever seen. Maria was standing there telling me that Ratoncito was here.

We got dressed and then went over for breakfast. After breakfast the children played in the living room a while. Silvia and Jamiez our representatives from our agency stopped in to say hello. I showed them around a little bit and took them to our room so they could see the beautiful spacious place where we were staying. Afterwards we settled in the family room and I offered them some coffee. I am not positive but, I believe we are through the first 2 of 4 phases (In business days the "phases" consists of something like this the best I understand it - 1) Assistant to judge has 10 days to review, 2) Minor defender has 5 days to review 3) the "Pro Qu Rador" like the D.A. has 5 days and then 4) Judge 10 days to make a decision). Keep in mind that they do not have to take the full amount of time...and looks like they have not so far. Please keep us in your prayers. It looks like we may still be on target for sentencia as Dollys (our attorney) had guestimated provided that everyone else does not take the full length of time. (Monday, June 30th is a holdiday here) so July 2nd would be the last day of Phase 3.

Silvia and Jamiez also went over with me the required paperwork and what I would need to make sure I had everything ready. They gave me a list of things we could do (tours, etc.) in Bogota should I choose. They gave me phone numbers of an English teacher and I may look into having them come out a couple of days per week to work with Maria. I think she would really enjoy that as she loves to learn.

Later that afternoon we had Mac N Cheese and icecream, chocolate. It was fun to watch them eat the icecream. I think Juan was trying to scrape a hole in the bottom with his spoon as he wanted to make sure he got EVERY drop. After a little more play time the children needed Siesta. I let them lay on the sofa where I could be with the others and not confined to our room. After J.P. fell asleep (Maria was still stirring) she looked over at me and I had gotten her coloring book and colored pencils so she could color there instead of napping. She understands now though that she is to lay down as if she were going to sleep until J.P. falls asleep. Sometimes she falls asleep and sometimes she doesn't and I am OK with that now that she is older. J.P. slept for an hour today instead of his usual 2ish.

After they woke up it was more playtime outside and then a movie inside. Later the evening we had dinner and they children played some games. Now it is bedtime and everyone eagerly jumps in to bed. It's time to sleep.

Today, Wednesday, I think we will try to get to the park as long as it does not rain. More tomorrow. Adios.


Jeni said...

It sounds like you are doing very well all by yourself so far! Make sure you get a disposable camera so we can see everything when you get home. The english teacher sounds like a wonderful idea. Keep having fun and we will see you soon :).... Jen

Aunt Joan & Uncle Artie said...

It's great to read your daily blog and we're glad you are passing the time with new sights and new surroundings. (Not to leave out, you are spending quality time with the kids. Little Sarah was telling me (her Grandpa) that her new cousins speak Spanish and it would be good if we can all speak it also! I said "We'll see. Maybe we should take computer lessions to learn Spanish." She already knows more than we do from her day care. Anyhow, we'll see! Take care and keep on keepin on! We love you guys!.....Aunt Joan and Uncle Art